Friday letters: Trump keeps promises, Polis and climate change

Trump has kept many promises against all odds

It’s kinda funny how Democrats have become the party of the Negative. It’s all about what they’re against. Some are anti-gun, some anti-border control, some anti-Israel, but all are anti-Trump. They hurl nebulous charges like “destroying democracy,” he’s racist, he’s sexist, he’s mean, rude and crude. Wah, Wah, Wah.

Trump has overseen three momentous deals with our largest trading partners. He’s eliminated three of the bloodiest terrorist leaders, actually enforced our immigration laws and given us the lowest unemployment and best economy in half a century.

In 2016 Trump got less than 1 in 10 black votes, now polls show 1 in 3 blacks approve of his performance. If we had an honest, objective media, his ratings would be much higher. Over 8 million new jobs in three years with wages increasing most for the poor.

Trump has accomplished all this with the Dems focusing solely on “resistance” while their lacky media bray their talking points. I’d rather have rude crude and honest than politically correct and deceitful. I’ll take a businessman over a politician to run our capitalistic system every time.

It’s a shame Dems have no one to champion. All they can do is decry a president who has kept many promises against all odds.

God bless America.

Bruno Kirchenwitz 


Polis and state government are not all in on climate change

So ya believe Senate Bill 181 and House Bill 1261 prove Gov. Jared Polis and the true-blue state government are 100% behind a fossil-fuel-free future. Think again. The Colorado State Land Board is planning an online sale of oil and gas leases on 93,000 acres of state land on Feb. 20.

Eighty percent of SLB revenues come from oil and gas activity, and the sale of 1,200 wells on 574,000 acres has netted $1 billion in the last decade. That’s nice, but the future of this industry is in serious jeopardy and the damage extraction can do to the climate and public health and safety make it a bad investment.

If you think the federal Bureau of Land Management is selling enough oil and gas leases in our beautiful state, contact SLB manager David Rodenberg at 303-266-3454, ext. 3328, or and urge him to call off the sale. Or, you could go the SLB’s overseer, the Department of Natural Resources, at 303-866-3311 or

Fred Malo Jr.


via:: Post Independent