Friday letters: Trump pandemic, NEPA

Trump dismantled government offices important to fighting pandemic

Perhaps if we had millions of illegal aliens vote in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio in the 2016 election we would have a president that didn’t dismantle The National Security Council office that coordinates responses to pandemics. If only more illegal aliens had voted perhaps we wouldn’t have a president that put an attorney turned lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry in charge of The Department of Health and Human Services. You know, the department that is in charge of the CDC.

My opinion of Donald Trump has been about the same for 30 years, or ever since he had his mistress join him while he was on a family vacation in Aspen. When I heard about it on national news I turned to a friend and asked, “what kind of idiot has his mistress join him while he is on a family vacation?”

Marco Diaz

Our future depends on a livable planet

Is anyone surprised by the Garfield County commissioners’ support for gutting NEPA protections by accepting draft regulations that would allow agencies to ignore proposed projects; significant impacts if those effects are “remote in time, geographically remote, or the result of a lengthy causal chain”?

That clause encapsulates, in order to reject, the whole purpose of the National Environmental Policy Act, which was enacted, once we recognized the fatal flaw by which our entire economic system prioritizes short-term and narrow goals, to bring exactly those things into the deliberations. American industry has always favored the projects most swiftly profitable, least balanced in interests, most heedless of harms. NEPA is intended to slow down this reckless pace of development so that the long-term and biophilic interests can be identified and deliberated judiciously.

Our future depends on a livable planet, which science makes clearer everyday involves processes whose complexity is far beyond our current understanding. The harms we have inflicted on our world in our heedlessness and ignorance seem beyond our ability to cure — like climate change. We are all perched on a branch labeled NEPA. These new regulations are like sawing it off.

Laurie Raymond
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent