GarCo Fair & Rodeo Parade canceled for 2020

The fire truck from the Rifle Garfield County Airport provides a little relief from the heat during the annual Garfield County Fair Parade last year in Rifle.

Your Western Garfield County Chamber of Commerce, which serves Rifle, Silt, and Parachute announced Wednesday that due to local and state guidelines of safe social distancing they made the decision to cancel the 2020 Garfield County Fair & Rodeo Parade.

“At this point we do not want to jeopardize the health and safety of anyone involved for the scheduled Aug. 1 parade,” CEO and Director Tanya Doose said according to a letter posted on social media. “Under the current Garfield County Health recommendations, it would be impossible to host the parade in any capacity.”

The parade cancellation follows the recent announcement that other big events at the fair including the pro rodeo and bull riding, along with the concert, demolitions derby, monster trucks and carnival will all be absent this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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via:: Post Independent