Garfield County agrees to allow Rifle’s Shooters Grill to reopen under new rules

Matthew Palomvi talks with mother Sandra, who is visiting from Minnesota, after they had breakfast Thursday morning at Shooters Grill in Rifle. Shooters’ license was suspended on Friday.
Kyle Mills/Citizen Telegram

Shooters Grill in Rifle will be allowed to reopen under the same requirements other Garfield County restaurants were granted in a state-approved variance.

“The owner of Shooters Grill (Lauren Boebert) agreed to follow all current and future executive and public health orders that apply to restaurants in Garfield County, and she will take the actions set forth in the license reinstatement that she signed,” according to a statement issued by the county Wednesday afternoon.

“Upon meeting these terms, her license is now reinstated, and Shooters Grill is authorized to reopen to the level and with the same social distancing requirements that apply to all other restaurants in Garfield County.”

Shooters had its restaurant license suspended May 15 by the county health department after Boebert repeatedly continued to defy public health orders by serving customers on-site and outdoors in a permitted seating area.

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That came after she had been issued a cease and desist order on May 12 and a temporary restraining order by the District Court on May 13. The court case was dismissed on Tuesday in light of the county variance and revised state regulations that allow restaurants to operate at 50% of capacity with social-distancing measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to the county’s news release, the conditions Boebert agreed to meet are the same as those in the county’s approved variance. 

“As the standards applicable to restaurants continue to relax over time, she will be able to modify her operations, as will every other restaurant in Garfield County,” according to the statement.

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via:: Post Independent