Garfield County feels the Bern – but more residents voted for Trump

Garfield County Democratic Party primary voters favored Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for president, as did most of Colorado.

In Garfield County, 37 percent of Democratic primary voters picked Sanders, on par with his statewide average of 36 percent.

Former vice president Joe Biden was the second choice, with 22 percent of the county picking him as the favorite, and billionaire Michael Bloomberg was third with nearly 21 percent of the vote.

Bloomberg fared better in Pitkin County, where he won the plurality of votes with nearly 30 percent of Democratic primary votes cast.

A total of 6,241 residents in Garfield cast a Democratic ballot, according to uncertified results of the Tuesday election. 6,331 cast a vote on the Republican ticket, with President Donald Trump taking nearly 94 percent of the total.

Sanders’ success means he will likely gain 20 of Colorado’s 67 pledged Democratic Party delegates.

According to the Associated Press, Biden and Bloomberg each have 9 delegates, but Bloomberg has already dropped out of the primary race.

The state has 13 more unpledged delegates who could also vote at the national convention in July.

This was the first presidential primary where Colorado has voted on Super Tuesday, with 13 other states.

via:: Post Independent