Garfield County provides COVID-19 data page

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Community members interested in viewing Garfield County COVID-19 data can find trends in reported cases, demographic information including the age, sex, race and ethnicity of confirmed cases, hospitalization numbers, and results from the self-reported symptoms and feelings tracker at 

County-specific data is provided to give a snapshot of what is occurring locally. Data is updated regularly and may be different than other sources due to variations in reporting times. 

To access the data from the county, scroll down to the selection of wide red panels that contain a variety of COVID-19 topics. Select the ‘+Symptoms, testing and data’ rectangle, and click the blue link.

As a reminder, anyone who is ill or has concerns about exposure to COVID-19 should call the regional hotline number at 970-429-6186. 

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For the community to share symptoms information, a form is available on the data page for those experiencing COVID-like symptoms (such as cough, fever or shortness of breath). 

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via:: Post Independent