As we begin 2020, a decade that will undoubtedly present new technology and communication platforms, I would like to take a moment to invite our community to become more informed and engaged as we move Glenwood Springs forward into a new year.
At the city of Glenwood Springs, we aim to keep our residents and neighbors as informed as possible, but we also acknowledge that we are not perfect and can always do better.
Over the last several years, we have come a long way in terms of public outreach with the creation of city-run social media accounts in 2016, information distributed through traditional media and open houses. Residents can find important information and engage with the city on topics regarding construction, events, road closures and more on our website and social media accounts. For larger stories and news, press releases are distributed to a wide net of media contacts for greater reach and coverage.
This council has recently taken steps to become more accessible to the community by eliminating morning work sessions and moving the start time of City Council meetings to 6:15 p.m. We also approved a public information officer (PIO) position recognizing the need to increase communication with our community. We have started to host monthly “Coffee with Council” sessions beginning Jan. 16. We sincerely value the importance of public input and have had success with public open house events for significant projects and decisions, specifically on the vacation and short-term rentals topic.
I am also personally excited for a virtual and interactive town hall meeting that is being planned for this spring where community members can participate in person or from their homes, either on the phone or online, as staff and council speak to the year ahead and address common concerns and questions. As we continue to improve our communication with the public, below are ways that I invite our residents and surrounding community to become informed and engaged through our current platforms.
How to become more informed:
Attend City Council meetings or watch them on our YouTube Channel live or after the meeting ends
Follow and like the City Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, and Instagram accounts
Follow and like individual council member social media accounts
View agendas and minutes online for City Council, boards and commission meetings
Sign-up for email and/or text notifications of news, events, agendas and more at
How to become more engaged:
Attend City Council meetings and speak during public comment periods
Attend monthly Coffee with Council events
Attend public input meetings on significant topics
Submit questions or concerns through the online general comment form or through social media
Reach out to individual City Council members through email or phone — find their contact information at
Volunteer for a board or commission or attend their meetings — a list of boards and commissions can be found at
On behalf of City Council and staff, we greatly appreciate and thank any resident who takes time out of their schedule to engage with us. We encourage more residents to become informed and engaged through our official channels or to reach out to us directly. Please let us know what is working for you, and we welcome any suggestions to make it better. There is always room for improvement, and the city of Glenwood Springs continuously strives to be better at everything we do to serve the community.
Jonathan Godes is mayor of Glenwood Springs.