Holy Cross board candidate Q&A with Michael Kaddatz

Michael Kaddatz

Holy Cross Energy is currently holding an election for two seats on its seven-member board, including one contested race for the utility’s Northern District between David Campbell, Michael Kaddatz, Larissa Read and Kenneth Wise

Holy Cross electric customers in Garfield County and the middle and upper Roaring Fork Valley are among those voting.

The local Holy Cross service area includes customers south of Interstate 70 in western Garfield County, the area south of Glenwood Springs (outside city limits) to the north end of Carbondale, the Spring Valley and Missouri Heights areas, and portions of the upper Roaring Fork Valley.

The seat for the Southern District is uncontested, and will be held by David Munk.

The Vail Daily recently asked the four candidates for the contested seat to reply to a brief questionnaire.

Why do you want this job?

People have asked me, “What’s your issue with Holy Cross Energy? What’s wrong? What needs to be fixed?” Presently, I know of nothing at Holy Cross Energy that needs “fixing” as such. I want the director position because:

It’s important. Electricity supports everything we do.

It’s an opportunity to give back to the community, with added motivation because my grandchildren also live here.

We all depend on electric power but think little about its source until the lights go out. Electricity illuminates our homes, pumps water and wastewater, supports our computers accessing the web, powers our hospitals and recharges our phones. Without power we are handcuffed.

It is critical that HCE succeeds in an environment that includes ever-present risks of weather events, terrorism, supply chain interruptions, economic downturns, management turnover and system failures. These risks are substantial and must be managed. The board position offers me the opportunity to utilize the risk management expertise and other skills I developed in my business life for a critical public service.

Another motivation is to contribute to the community. Five-year residents of Eagle, my wife and I moved here to be involved in our grand-children’s lives. Increasingly, we have been getting engaged in the community. I referee local high school and club soccer, volunteer at our church and support charities and youth programs throughout the region. The board position is an opportunity to further serve the Holy Cross Energy service territory.

Why are you the best person for this position?

Two distinguishing attributes I possess are:

• From my career, I have an extremely relevant background. A seasoned business professional, I co-founded a successful, nationally prominent consulting firm. For 30-plus years, I consulted to clients’ boards on organizational development, strategic planning, risk management and related issues.

My clients included Duke Energy, Arizona Public Service, Electricities of North Carolina, Tacoma Public Utilities, Bonneville Power, Lower Colorado River Authority, TRICO Electric Cooperative and many other electric utilities. Thus, I understand electric utilities’ business issues and have interacted with boards on such issues. This experience uniquely qualifies me to apply informed judgment to the complex issues that will be coming before the Holy Cross Energy Board.

• Now fully retired, I have ample time to address members’ concerns, thoroughly prepare for and contribute to meetings and otherwise fulfill director responsibilities. I have no other job to impair my availability for Holy Cross Energy responsibilities.

If elected, and you run again, you’ll be asked about your most significant accomplishment from that first term. What would you like that to be?

Holy Cross Energy has an excellent record of dependable service to our community and is remarkably responsive to its members. I plan to encourage practices and initiatives that continue strength in HCE’s risk resiliency and its ability to maintain a favorable balance among reliable, clean and affordable sources of electricity.

To learn more about Holy Cross Energy and its board, go to http://www.holycross.com.

via:: Post Independent