Holy Cross candidate Q&A with Kenneth Wise

Kenneth Wise

Holy Cross Energy is currently holding an election for two seats on its seven-member board, including one contested race for the utility’s Northern District between David Campbell, Michael Kaddatz, Larissa Read and Kenneth Wise

Holy Cross electric customers in Garfield County and the middle and upper Roaring Fork Valley are among those voting.

The local Holy Cross service area includes customers south of Interstate 70 in western Garfield County, the area south of Glenwood Springs (outside city limits) to the north end of Carbondale, the Spring Valley and Missouri Heights areas, and portions of the upper Roaring Fork Valley.

The seat for the Southern District is uncontested, and will be held by David Munk.

The Vail Daily recently asked the four candidates for the contested seat to reply to a brief questionnaire.

Why do you want this job? After retiring in 2015, my wife and I fulfilled a longstanding dream by moving to the mountains and making this our permanent home. While we enjoy taking advantage of all the wonderful benefits that this area has to offer, we also believe it is important to give back to the community and the area we now call home. As a result, I continually look for opportunities where I can use my skills and experience to contribute to our community, whether as a volunteer, as a board member or in other capacities in relevant organizations in our community.

I believe that the services provided by Holy Cross and its vision for the future are important elements that impact our lives now and will continue to do so long into the future. I would like to be part of shaping that future as part of the Holy Cross board of directors. I am interested in serving on the Holy Cross board as I strongly believe that we have a responsibility to provide clean and affordable energy for the benefit of current members of our company and for many generations to come.

Why are you the best person for this position? My 38 years working in business — the last 26 of which I was a partner with one of the world’s largest international accounting firms — provided me with significant experience in working with boards of directors on a variety of governance issues impacting their companies, customers, employees and other stakeholders.

Specifically relevant to the Holy Cross board opportunity, throughout my career, I was fortunate to have spent a significant amount of time working with many member-owned cooperatives of various sizes in numerous industries. This broad-based experience, expertise in working with cooperatives, my sincere interest in participating in important issues impacting our communities and the strong financial background gained with these many years of experience make me the best person for this position on the Holy Cross board.

I look forward to working collaboratively with the Holy Cross board members and management in addressing the significant issues facing our company as we further the Holy Cross vision of leading the responsible transition to a clean energy future.

If elected, and you run again, you’ll be asked about your most significant accomplishment from that first term. What would you like that to be? I would hope that my most significant accomplishment would be this: I would like to be viewed to have quickly become an effective board member who worked well with other board members and management in furthering the Holy Cross vision while enhancing the ability of our company to provide reliable service from clean energy at a reasonable cost and maintaining a strong balance sheet to protect our future.

To learn more about Holy Cross Energy and its board, go to http://www.holycross.com.

via:: Post Independent