Holy Cross Energy board candidate Q&As

David Campbell

Holy Cross Energy is currently holding an election for two seats on its seven-member board, including one contested race for the utility’s Northern District between David Campbell, Michael Kaddatz, Larissa Read and Kenneth Wise

Holy Cross electric customers in Garfield County and the middle and upper Roaring Fork Valley are among those voting.

The local Holy Cross service area includes customers south of Interstate 70 in western Garfield County, the area south of Glenwood Springs (outside city limits) to the north end of Carbondale, the Spring Valley and Missouri Heights areas, and portions of the upper Roaring Fork Valley.

The seat for the Southern District is uncontested, and will be held by David Munk.

The Vail Daily recently asked the four candidates for the contested seat to reply to a brief questionnaire.

To learn more about Holy Cross Energy and its board, go to http://www.holycross.com.

Why do you want this job?

It’s a really exciting time to be in the utility business, as recent advances in technology have truly changed things for co-ops like Holy Cross Energy. We can be increasingly independent and further diversify our production across a cleaner mix of renewable sources, while also becoming more cost-effective. I find the energy and transmission technologies fascinating, and it all directly relates to land planning, how our towns develop and what the future of our region looks like.

These priorities have always been a central focus in my real estate career, where I have always advocated for smart land use and responsible development. Energy production is fundamental to all of that.

Holy Cross Energy is currently on a great path. As a board member, my primary responsibility will be fueling, and keeping this momentum going by providing objective input and business insight as a voice for fellow members. I have a broad professional skill set, and serving Holy Cross will put all of that toward something I find truly important, lasting, and bigger in its purpose.

How we power our region requires long-term vision and planning, which directly affects everyone’s business and quality of life — it is critical that we get these things right. I would like to hand the next generation our best possible work and providing the skills and vision to build a clean, quality future for our region is something I can definitely do.

Why are you the best person for this position?

I have been lucky enough to call the Vail Valley home for over 25 years, raising my family here and working throughout all three of Holy Cross’ service areas, beyond just the Northern District that I would represent. This valuable experience allows me to bring a better big-picture view, along with trusted long-term business relationships throughout all three regions.

I am not beholden to any party or singular agenda, just focused on bringing the best solutions for our near- and long-term horizons so that we grow intelligently in a clean, efficient, renewable and cost-effective manner. The common thread throughout my entire career has been centered on envisioning what comes next, which is critical for a utility business that is both manpower- and capital-intensive. The combination of my design and planning skills, business experience, and knowledge of the entire region will be highly beneficial to Holy Cross Energy’s plan for the future.

If elected, and you run again, you’ll be asked about your most significant accomplishment from that first term. What would you like that to be?

I expect to have accomplished more than just one thing. My first priority will be assisting in updating our regional grid to improve its resiliency against wildfire threats and the efficiency in its transmission capabilities. Expanding outreach and communications to members is also important so they have a better understanding of all that Holy Cross Energy does and the resources available to help reduce their costs and energy use.

I am a big fan of the voluntary Renewable Energy Purpose Program and I encourage people to participate in it. Beyond that, my longer-term vision includes the region’s future transportation needs.

To learn more about Holy Cross Energy and its board, go to http://www.holycross.com.

via:: Post Independent