Internet outage Tuesday caused by dump truck that cut lines in Carbondale

Tuesday’s internet outage that affected much of the Roaring Fork Valley was caused by a dump truck that cut lines mid-valley, according to a spokesperson for Comcast.

The outage, which stretched from Aspen to Glenwood Springs, hit during the middle of the day and lasted nearly four hours. It also affected cell service in the area.

“This happened a little before 1 p.m. and was caused by a third-party dump truck that hit and cut our aerial lines,” Leslie Oliver, director of medial communications for Comcast’s Mountain West region, said in an email Tuesday evening. “It happened in Carbondale, and impacted Comcast services to our customers throughout the valley.”

Oliver said local crews were able to repair the damaged lines “as quickly as they could” and the network capacity remained strong after the repairs.

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Officials from Verizon, which also had issues along with other cell companies, did not return emails seeking comment.

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via:: Post Independent