Launchpad hosts PUSH Dance company next week ahead of 11th annual Aspen Fringe Festival

Courtney Hope and Hien Huyhn are part of the PUSH Dance Company.
Matt Haber

Dance Initiative will welcome San Francisco’s PUSH Dance Company as the second 2019 Artist in Residence.

PUSH will be in rehearsal all week in the Open Studio of The Launchpad located at 76 Fourth St. in Carbondale, May 29 through June 4.

Visitors are welcome to stop in and respectfully observe the rehearsal process.

The group specializes in interdisciplinary performances involving media, technology, collaboration and site-specific work.

Founded in 2005 by Raissa Simpson, the company’s mission is to build vibrant contemporary dances, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges attributed to mixed heritage.

PUSH will offer an all-levels dance workshop from 10-11:45 a.m. June 1. The residency will conclude with an intimate studio demo and informal Q&A session at 1 p.m.

Both events will take place at The Launchpad in Carbondale, and tickets are $15 each. Tickets and registration is available at

Advanced registration is recommended, as space is limited.

Part of a first-time community collaboration between Dance Initiative and Aspen Fringe Festival, this residency culminates in a main stage performance at the 11th annual Aspen Fringe Festival on June 7 at the Wheeler Opera House.

PUSH will perform its profound work Codelining including a new excerpt created during the residency. For more info and tickets go to

via:: Post Independent