Letter: A valley with real soul

To all the community of this wonderful valley: It may be the New Year or maybe the new knee … or perhaps realizing that 2018-19 is my 50th year of skiing and my 40th year of teaching skiing, but whatever it is, I would like to say, “THANK YOU!” to all of you who work so hard making this place the best it can be. From cleaners to CEOs, from baristas to bus drivers, sous chefs to ski patrol and everything in between, rest assured it does not go unnoticed, that bounce in your step, that extra effort you make at the end of a long day. Taking the time to direct guests and endlessly answer questions, keeping up your smile and letting them know that, yes, today was the best day, and we are glad you came on vacation here and we are happy to share that experience with you! To each of you, I raise a glass, and make this toast from Rumi: “Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” Here’s to the rest of 2019!

Ann Luark
Eagle County

via:: Vail Daily