Letter: All are welcome at Sunday Gathering

A few weeks ago I wrote about a new group that a few of us are starting up in Eagle County called Sunday Gathering. I received such wonderful and positive responses from the community; I first want to say thank you for your kindness and enthusiasm. It inspires me to keep working toward this goal that I feel is massively important for physical and mental health. As you know, sticking your neck out for something isn’t always easy, but the more people I speak with who say that this is exactly what they’ve been looking for shows me that it’s valuable and meaningful work.

Some of you may be wondering what we mean by “non-religious gathering.” Three of us have three different reasons for wanting to make Sunday Gathering happen. One of us does have religion in our life, but sees that a community of people who want to lift each other up is a positive thing, no matter what it’s called. Another member of our team has no religion, feels isolated in the community because of it, and craves a regular meeting place and people to support and enrich her family’s life. And still another team member had religion in her life, but doesn’t identify with it any longer, and needs the welcoming arms of the community for growth and support for her and her family. Do any of those reasons resonate with you?

Our purpose is to add to the community, not take anything away. Our intent is to “expand, enlighten, engage and enrich” anyone and everyone who would like to join us. We are not anti-religion; here you can believe anything you want and you won’t be told what to believe. We want to have time to connect with people, learn from each other about bettering our lives and community, support each other, and gather to share a potluck meal. We want to bring people of all different beliefs and backgrounds together and welcome everyone of any religion or no religion at all. Please consider attending and see what we’re about for yourself.

To that end, we have a ton of planning to do to make this happen. Thanks to our fiscal agent, Eagle River Youth Coalition, we are able to move past the more difficult logistics and jump into the creative bits. We need to get organized with regard to music selections, speakers and topics, locations to use, and so much more. We’re inviting all members of the community to help us create a place that is peaceful and filled with loving kindness. Organizational meetings are scheduled up and down the valley: Avon Library (Jan. 27, 3-5 p.m.) or Gypsum Library (Feb. 5, 5-6:30 p.m. All ages are welcome.

We hope to see you, hear your opinion and start to form a community that will strengthen us all.

For more information, please visit our Facebook page (Sunday Gathering in Eagle County) or email us at SundayGatheringinEC@gmail.com.  

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