Letter: Article does not represent the whole picture of Roaring Fork High School

I am writing in response to the May 10 front page article in the Post Independent about Roaring Fork High School (Roaring Fork High a low point in district staff survey). As a parent of two current RFHS students, I am concerned that the article is one dimensional and does not represent the whole picture of the school. It does present the feedback of a certified staff that has not felt supported by building and district leadership over the past year. The current principal stepped down last month as a result, and the district is currently in the hiring process for the next school leader. The school community anxiously awaits an update on the current state of that process. What the article leaves out, however, is that RFHS is also filled with student scholars (Daniels and Boettcher winners among them), student activists, athletes that compete competitively at the state level, rigorous curriculum, high student involvement in school sponsored clubs, dedicated staff who support students, a cohesive, diverse student body, and a supportive family community. It’s important to me that the community also be made aware of the positive culture and school spirit that exists within the walls of RFHS.
Hilary Garnsey
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent