Letter: Back to work at the Forest Service

Employees are back to work to once again carry forward our conservation mission. The USDA Forest Service is focused on getting our employees paid and back on duty, as well as effectively resuming operations. We recognize that the partial government shutdown has impacted the important work our agency does on behalf of the American people. With funding now restored, we are assessing priorities for the remainder of the year and returning to the work of caring for the land and serving people.

In the coming days, we will work to reset our work to continue delivering the benefits and services the American people expect from us.  Part of this ‘resetting’ is looking at our work here locally and prioritizing it in ways that make sense given the circumstances.

We want to thank the local communities that stepped forward to assist employees impacted by the shutdown with their needs. The outpouring of community support for employees was incredibly heartfelt, and we are grateful for that.

The Eagle-Holy Cross District is back open for business; our offices are open if you have questions. Please call us or come in and visit with us. We are honored to be serving the public and caring for the White River National Forest once again.

Aaron Mayville

Acting Deputy Forest Supervisor

via:: Vail Daily