I am just writing to urge our Eagle County Commissioners and everyone to do whatever you can to put pressure on the US Forest Service to prevent the building of a paved road to the Berlaimont Estates. I understand property owners have a right to access their property, but this owner knew when purchasing this property it was in the middle of Bureau of Land Management land and a heavily-used recreation area plus an extremely important area for winter habitat for deer, elk and other animals. The owner also knew this property only had limited access via a dirt road.
It’s time to put the brakes on building into our forests and BLM land that not only puts stress on wildlife but also on the land, plants and water. As an Eagle County taxpayerI don’t want to have to fund the maintenance and fire service for another road to billionaire mansions that will only be lived in a couple of days a year.
It’s time we live the values we all express when it comes to saving our wildlife and public lands and to stop unnecessary development that only benefits a few at the expense of the rest of the community.
Annie Goodman