Letter: Choose humanity over Trumpism

There is a real contrast between the two letters in your Jan. 13 paper. Ms. Gauthier’s lays out, compellingly, the need to stop the shutdown. Her caring and humanity are apparent. The other, by Mr. Roeser, calls the justifiably angry Ms. Carr (Jan. 8 letter} a Socialist for her views. As far as I understand it, embracing socialism just means one is more interested in the welfare of people and their environment than in money. Rather than comparing us to Venezuela, perhaps Mr. Roeser should go back a little further in history and compare President Trump’s actions with the early Hitler. The comparisons are striking. Of course, it can’t happen here, but Trump’s spewed venom and actions against everyone but rich, powerful mostly-white males makes one think socialism isn’t a bad word at all.

Katherine Delanoy

via:: Vail Daily