Letter: Closing accounts at ANB

I presently have three accounts at ANB bank. Since reading about its proposal to build another bank downtown, evict seven small businesses, and tear down the historic old buildings where these businesses now reside, I will immediately be closing all my accounts with ANB after banking there for many years. 

While I realize I have very limited influence on the decisions made by the present owners of the land and officers of the bank, I see the closure of my account as the best way for me to let them know how much I disagree with their decision to build downtown. 

I encourage anyone who agrees with me to do the same. I can only hope if enough people follow my lead, they may change their mind and come up with a better solution to whatever they see as being the needs of their institution.

Additionally, I believe it is long overdue for the members of the Glenwood Springs City Council to make it a priority to come up with a viable plan to preserve the old buildings presently sitting in downtown Glenwood. I’ve lived here since 1976, living downtown since 1988, and while I have been a witness to many changes here, I believe preserving the old buildings in and around downtown Grand Avenue is crucial. 

Get busy on that issue, and instead of hiring another company to “do a study” of what is required, enlist the area residents to work with the historic preservation society, to give you input and help in developing a plan to make that happen soon, before we lose any more historic old buildings.

Sheila Markowitz

Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent