Letter: Do the right thing and end shutdown

A simple message for the U.S. Senate for Thursday’s session: Do the right thing. End the shutdown. Worry about the wall later. I always advocate to family, friends, employees, business associates, whomever: “First and foremost do the right thing. Everything usually falls in place accordingly if you do.” Perhaps if Republican senators say, “it is wrong to hold the nation hostage over a presidential campaign promise,” then just maybe they will be recognized and be rewarded at the voting polls. Maybe. Americans tend to reward good behavior. As it is now, too many senators worry they must pledge allegiance to the president and party over pledging allegiance to the flag and country. And, yes, of course, it happens on both sides of the aisle.  So do the right thing, senators, and let everything else fall in place. We are counting on you.

Steve Sheldon


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