Letter: Flavored tobacco ban an abuse of authority

It was just a short few days ago that I wrote about the abuse of authority by the Glenwood Springs city council. Now I understand that the mighty town of Basalt has followed suit on the banning of flavored tobacco products. As I stated before, you can buy any flavor THC laced products, in any form, candy, cookies and even drinks. Speaking of drinks, what about all the flavors of alcohol? Even though these products are already prohibited for minor consumption. I can go any Friday or Saturday night and quickly locate minors indulging in these products. There are laws in place to keep them from the kids, but not enforced. But once again god forbid a grown adult can buy a flavored tobacco, a federally legal product. Maybe it is time to enforce the existing laws and stop making new overlapping, department of redundancy. Besides, look at the tax money you will be losing.

John D. Farnham,

via:: Post Independent