Letter: Giving government the right to spend without accountability is insane

Prop CC is a big “No” for me and should be for everyone. Giving government the right to spend without accountability is just insane. Prop CC is spending money above the TABOR automatic increase, money that would normally be refunded to taxpayers. The real danger is this is a blanket proposal that gives government the ability to spend all it takes in forever. No fiscal restraint. They will learn to count on this money and when they don’t collect enough they will raise taxes to continue their spending. Thinking it will help schools and roads is only a political ploy to deceive you. There is already a budget in place for those things. Marijuana tax was also supposed to help the schools. Why has that not been enough?

Taking the TABOR will just be the beginning. Vote “No” on CC.

Michelle Vogel,
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent