Letter: How to improve upon (near) perfection

Towns don’t come much better than Glenwood. But are we as good as we can be? Here are some thoughts to consider:

Embrace Imagine Glenwood’s Take-A-Minute campaign and Slow Down In Town. Driving the 1.5 miles from the bridge to 23rd Street at the posted 25 mph speed limit will only use one minute of your time and will pay off in a more peaceful, less harried, quieter, gentler (and legal!) trip through our town. Spend that minute engaging in some slow relaxing breaths and see how much better you feel.

Write or email your City Council representative to say a big thank you for making Glenwood the seventh city in the nation to move to 100% renewable energy. That is something to be very proud and very grateful about!
Use your turn signals in our roundabouts. Rather than playing a game of chicken with oncoming traffic, use your signal and make your intentions known. It will smooth traffic, reduce anxiety, avoid conflict and besides, it’s good manners!

Speaking of manners, vehicles must yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. They are not required to yield to pedestrians approaching a crosswalk, although many do and that’s a wonderful, kind, gracious thing. I’ve often seen people step into a crosswalk without even giving a glance toward oncoming traffic. That could prove to be a fatal act of false entitlement. When someone does stop to allow you to cross, give a wave of thanks. That kind of appreciative attitude is what helps to make Glenwood the welcoming place it is.

Lastly, support the Glenwood Springs Citizens’ Alliance with everything you have. Those selfless folks are throwing their considerable talents and knowledge into a powerful resistance to the Rocky Mountain Resources expansion that would be so very detrimental to the vibrancy of our community. Find them on Facebook and at LoveGlenwood.org and get involved!

Each one of us has the potential to impact our town and our world for better or worse. Make sure your actions elevate and inspire so that together we can all make this home a haven.

Jan Krische,
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent