Letter: I can no longer respect my friends keeping their heads in the sand

I’m feeling like anyone who is still believing all the lies coming out of the “right wing media” have got to be deaf, dumb, and blind. I guess they close their eyes and minds to seeing and hearing the truth of their elected President Donald J. Trump.

As the old saying goes “Ignorance is bliss.” I’m so very sorry that I simply cannot even tolerate the company of those people who have chosen to put their heads in the sand and believe whatever Fox news, Rush Limbaugh and the other right wing people tell them. I was taught as a child that “love is respect.” I can no longer respect these people I used to call friends. We have nothing in common if they keep their heads in the sand because of a “party” affiliation. They don’t seem to care about the country that their grandchildren will inherit.

I’m not a very patient person, therefore waiting for the next shoe to drop every day is keeping my blood pressure up. Someone said to me recently, “What are you going to do when they finally get Trump out of office?” and you don’t have to write letters anymore. I said, “Hopefully, I will be able to keep my blood pressure down and enjoy my life”.

Linda Carr


via:: Vail Daily