Letter: Invest in this community asset by voting “Yes” on measure 6A

I’m voting yes on ballot measure 6a to support the Garfield County Libraries, and I hope you will too. Libraries are foundational to a strong community because they provide free access to information. They offer books and a wealth of other materials, internet access, programming, and, best of all, competent and friendly staff who can help you find whatever materials, information, or answers you seek.

We are lucky to have such great libraries in our communities. Just six years ago, the Garfield County Libraries celebrated the opening of the new Carbondale Branch Library — the final library to be built or renovated through a taxpayer supported bond measure, community partnerships, and grant funding. And the new and updated facilities are truly incredible. The only trouble is that a significantly reduced operating budget has forced our libraries to reduce their staff, hours, programming and book budget. What good was that investment in our buildings if our libraries can’t afford to keep the doors open when community members need access?

Things have gotten dire for the Garfield County Libraries — the library district’s budget is currently more than $2 million less than it was a decade ago — and we’ve all been affected: the library isn’t always open when you need it; the waiting list for an item can be unreasonably long; or the programming you used to count on has been scaled back or even discontinued. It’s time to invest in this community asset by voting “Yes” on measure 6A.

Kelsy Been,
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent