Letter: ‘Liberal media’ didn’t make Donald Trump who he is

Dear Stan: It’s not that past presidents haven’t lied. It’s about the sheer volume of lies and mistruths that just one president has told over the course of just half of his presidency. 

You like lists regarding Trump? How about a list of all of his lies as well as those of the people working for him. Or how about a list of the women that have accused him of sexual harassment, the list of women paid hush money for having affairs with him, the list of his bankruptcies, some of which caused job losses for thousands. 

How about a list of the people that he has insulted via tweet simply because his thin skin can’t take criticism. 

Then there is the list of dictators that he is cozy with. 

Let us not forget the list of things he doesn’t believe in such as global warming and Russian election interference. 

The “huge!” list of books he has never read. 

The list of utterly unqualified people that have been nominated for positions ranging from his cabinet to the Federal Judiciary. 

The list of broken campaign promises such as Mexico will pay for the wall and a better, less expensive alternative to Obama-Care.

If you like records, Stan, then you must love the “record deficit” that we have incurred. The highest deficit “ever recorded before in human history.”

Stan, a significant part of what you point to as “More $$$ in your pocket” is a result of a “tax cut” that put $2 trillion dollars into the pockets of wealthy investors, which will be paid for by future middle-class tax payers. 

Not to mention the fact that any additional money that people had in their pockets is going to pay for the tariffs on the goods that they buy every day.

For myself and apparently most Americans, Trumps accomplishments are overshadowed by a view of a man/con-artist with a deeply flawed narcissistic character and deeply lacking in moral compass. The “liberal media” didn’t make Donald Trump who he is as a man.

Marco Diaz


via:: Post Independent