Letter: May is Roaring Fork Schools Staff Appreciation Month

The Roaring Fork Schools have declared May as Staff Appreciation Month. As we celebrate many end-of-year achievements for our students and schools, we want to formally recognize the dedicated staff members who make those successes possible.
There is no question that our staff are the organization’s most important asset. Our staff members are true superheroes — inspiring and motivating, caring for others and fixing, and changing lives. We have more than 1,000 staff members, and each person plays a crucial role in supporting the mission of ensuring our students thrive.
It is no secret that the school funding situation in Colorado is dire and that none of our staff members earn what they should given how hard they work. So, now more than ever, we want to appreciate every staff member for making a difference for our students and communities. Personally, and on behalf of the board of education and leadership team of the school district, I want to thank all staff members for making the Roaring Fork Schools a great place to learn and work.
Rob Stein, RFSD Superintendent,

via:: Post Independent