Letter: Memorial Day – recognition

Monday’s Memorial Day experience in Aspen was another caring, thoughtful and respectful recognition of those who gave their lives so that the rest of us might live free. I wish to take this time to thank Dick Merritt and Dan Glidden and others who work throughout the year to support our veterans and preserve our freedom, who, every year, provide an opportunity for our community to express our sorrow, our pain, our loss, our admiration and caring and love for each other.

Although Trump wished us all a “happy Memorial Day” on this “happy holiday in America,” we were not all playing golf or planning happy holiday events. Some followed the tradition of visiting a family cemetery site to honor those lost, some shared time with family. Others reflected on the past losses and battles. While Trump was celebrating a Sumo wrestling event and golf in Japan, some of us were reflecting on the possible opportunities open to us, in our delicate democracy, to avoid another unnecessary world war engagement and the resulting losses of life and place.

Dorothea Farris
Crystal Valley

via:: Post Independent