Letter: Prop. DD is not a specific tax for a specific project

Voters should be opposed to proposition DD, which would increase taxes garnered from sports betting. First of all, being tied in with gambling brings up its own set of issues. Secondly, the vague wording states the tax will create a fund which can be used to promote various water projects throughout the state of Colorado.

It is a general “slush fund” that can be used for various projects. It is not a specific tax for a specific project. We don’t know If it will be used for the construction of a dam, or the restoration of a polluted section of river.
Lastly, anytime there is a project involving water in the state of Colorado, there is the potential and most likely the reality of litigation. Any project involving diverting, damming, or channeling river water always involves water attorneys. Legal fees alone are a major cost adding to the overall expense on water projects.

There are more important statewide needs for our tax resources than into this unspecific fund. Please vote no on DD.

Joe Mollica
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent