Letter: Read supports acting locally to set example for clean energy leadership

Holy Cross Energy is on a roll! Whether planning for energy resilience, passing milestones on renewable energy, helping customers save money, or supporting electrified transportation, our local energy cooperative is making it happen.

This is thanks to you, the member/owners. Collectively, you help set the electricity coop’s direction by voting for a board of directors that represents your values. An opportunity to continue the recent progress is happening now. With less than two weeks remaining in the 2019 elections, please get your ballot filled out and mailed in today!

When you do, please consider voting for Larissa Read – a true champion for collaborative and inclusive decision-making, prosperous and healthy communities, clean energy and transportation, fiscal responsibility and transparency, and a passion for public service.

Having seen Larissa shine while working on complex issues in multi-stakeholder settings, I am confident that she brims with the skills and qualities to make a real and collaborative contribution as a Holy Cross director. Larissa is committed to finding the right balance in all decisions and supports acting locally to set the example for climate and clean energy leadership. This will continue to strengthen our communities on so many levels.

I am always appreciative of the individuals that put their names forward to serve on the Holy Cross Energy board of directors, and of those that end up serving. Please share your appreciation for their contributions by submitting your Holy Cross Energy ballot before June 6.

Chris Menges,

via:: Post Independent