Letter: Rocky Mountain Resources conducting smear campaign with bogus flyer

I support Glenwood Springs Citizens’ Alliance even if they occasionally use bad words.

After getting a bogus flyer in the mail yesterday, attempting to create a scandal surrounding the twitterspeak of Alliance President Leo McKinney, I am inspired to broadcast my outrage. (Full disclosure: I personally have zero ties to the Alliance or any of its board members.)

The “Frontier Women’s Job Council” are familiar wolves in sheep clothing, working for Rocky Mountain Resources in this case, which is banking on enlarging a strip mine from 15.7 acres to 440 acres (on public land that belongs to us, not them, including trucks, noise, scarring of the hillside, all visible from downtown and the Hot Springs, and heavily impacting traffic)!
They clearly are trying to smear our local advocacy group and its members — people who actually live here and care about the health of Glenwood’s economy and environment, like I do.

I hope the Post Independent digs deeply into the facts of this issue and fully investigates RMR’s current and prior compliance with the mine permitting process in order to inform us all. Please support the Glenwood Springs Citizens’ Alliance (loveglenwood.org). That strip mine does not greatly benefit Glenwood Springs or the public interest, and allowing it to expand will cause irreparable harm. The flyer is garbage and so are the lawyers behind it.

L. C. Love,
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent