Thanks to the Vail Daily Editorial Board for its Jan. 30 “Our View” editorial on the firing of Eagle County Schools Superintendent Carlos Ramirez. Lots of good points raised but you guys are far too polite.
I would like to see the school board members who vetted Ramirez resign. There is just no excuse for the board members to fail to hire a superintendent that fits the district’s needs and direction. I think the school board owes the community a full explanation on how Ramirez failed to lead “within the boundaries of our community developed strategic plan.”
The very nature of a plan is that it that it is dynamic. A plan is always developed within a fixed environment, and as the environment changes the plan needs to be adjusted and refocused. No secret here. Also, a strategic plan is broad in scope and is defined by an action plan. If the strategic plan is so detailed that it can be executed, then why hire a superintendent at all?
I guess the severance package for Ramirez ($195,000 plus six months of health insurance) is no big deal to the school board members. Those funds could have been better used to improve student outcomes.
When the school board elections roll around I won’t vote for any incumbents. It is time for a board shakeup.
Ed Spivak
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