Letter: Thanks for marching, Vail

Thank you to all the wonderful folks who participated in the 2019 Women’s March on Saturday, January 19, and especially to the Vail Daily for publishing announcements of the event and to Cathy Vaughan-Grabowski of Moms Demand Action/Everytown for her guidance in organizing the event. A special shout-out goes to the wonderful chant leaders who certainly deserved a year’s supply of throat lozenges. The critical takeaway from this event is that we must carry its spirit forward into our daily lives to achieve the goals so ardently expressed in the many signs that were carried. In a time when “crisis-fatigue” threatens our spirit, we must remain hopeful that change can happen. May we, in the words of the poet W.H. Auden, “[when] beleaguered by negation and despair, show an affirming flame.”

Bobbie Ruh


via:: Vail Daily