Letter: The enemy is us

Every good story needs a villain. Unfortunately we don’t have ideological villains anymore, we have Putin’s Russian collusion in our elections. Don’t bore us with Russia. For clarity and a time-line, check out what Trump said about Russian dirt in late July of 2016.
Personally, it’s worked to Trump’s advantage to have a weak Congress and press, because the focus is on the colluders; the rest of the world is nonexistent.
It’s a tragedy. Elections in India, genocide in Yemen and Bhutan, national borders, migrations in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Brexit, the attack on all religions, natural disasters all over the world, Chinese militarization, etc. are cursory and incidental. This is not to mention curbing national debt, responsible immigration and climate change.
We now need to name our enemy by an ideological term. It’s not Russian communism, it’s pure oligarchy which the United States was working toward, if Hillary was elected.
Some of the players in this oligarchy cabal have their roles yet to be determined: Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, Rosenstein, and others including Obama and of course, Clinton.
In this warped frame of mind, the Profiles in Courage Award may be minted and presented to Nadler and Schiff, not to mention those already honored for removing American statues of Confederates. Also looking for an award are those covering the statue of Kate Smith. This kind of purging of our culture is uninformed, ignorant, and therefore political. “We have met the enemy and it is us.” — Pogo (Walt Kelly)
Fred Stewart,
Grand Junction

via:: Post Independent