Letter: Tires in Eagle River will be gone soon

Rest assured, a group of local citizens and the Eagle River Watershed Council are aware of the tires in the Eagle River in Edwards. In conjunction with the annual Eagle River Cleanup, a dedicated group of people initiated the project this past fall and worked as long as possible with the low water levels to maximize removal efforts. The Watershed Council has partnered with these folks and is currently in discussion to create the best course of action to remove the tires. We will do absolutely everything within our power to help remove the tires as soon as possible — and will do so before spring run-off.

It is imperative to complete the removal with as little disruption as possible to the riverbed, the fish and other aquatic life, as well as the sensitive riparian vegetation along the banks; and as such we are exploring several different options to get the tires out without these damaging impacts. We will be coordinating a project day to remove the tires as soon as conditions allow us to access the bar in the middle of the river. Once planned, the project information will be posted in the Vail Daily as well as on Eagle River Watershed Council’s website: erwc.org, in our e-newsletter (register for that on our website), and through our social media channels. Thank you for your concern and don’t worry — those unsightly tires should be gone soon!

Kate Isaacson, Eagle River Watershed Council

via:: Vail Daily