Letter: We can all be in action for future generations

“Neighbors in Action” are coming together to limit climate change. At Dandelion Day on May 12 in Carbondale, people talked about the ways they are doing something — from buying renewable energy through their utility company, to driving hybrid or electric cars, to riding RFTA, to composting, to eating vegan, to installing solar panels on their house, to turning off lights and unplugging electronics, to inspiring others to cut their fossil fuel use.

These “Neighbors in Action” invite you to come to a rallying/planning meeting to determine how this new local campaign will move forward.

The future generations need us now to ignite a movement that will change habits and federal policies. Please join us at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, at the Third Street Center. (Contact Jimmy Byrne for info: 970-274-3666.)

Your “Neighbors in Action” doing something about climate change include Betsy Bowie, Jaspen Macken, Katie Finnigan, Ann Johnson, Ben Bolmfalk, Dan Rosenthal, Dave Plumb, Eric Smith, Fred Malo, Greg Feinsinger, Gwen Garcelon, Jenny Bouchet, Julia Farwell, Laurie Loeb, Lynn Collings, Marc Bruell, Mark Feinsinger, Meg Plumb, Michael Bouchet, Natalie Spears, Noelle Stilts, Pam Rosenthal, Sarah Johnson, Sohan Zeller, Stephanie Werner, Wolfy Draper and Jimmy Byrne.

Next time you see one of us around, let’s talk about what all we can do to limit climate change.

Jimmy Byrne


via:: Post Independent