Letter: We’re being manipulated to someone else’s end

The better parts of Glenwood lie within the side-streets. What is unveiled along the flanks of Grand Avenue are but “would be” community gatherings. It’s partly that it feels good. It’s partly because there is no other room in the community. The reinvigoration of Seventh Street is good, along with the dedicated pool/hotel area across the river.
Other towns in Garfield County have more growth potential. Glenwood has become an anachronism of itself. Note Micheal Hobin’s letter of May 30 (“Save Glenwood from being another town that was once great” Post Independent).
So, as always, the question is, do we have free will, or are we predetermined? If we’re not aware of the choices made in City Council or elsewhere we’re being manipulated to someone else’s end.
Fred Stewart,
Grand Junction

via:: Post Independent