Longtime Edwards resident opposes Berlaimont project (letter)

I am opposed to the Berlaimont request that “the Forest Service grant them roughly 4.5 miles of paved road access across our White River National Forest public lands so they can maximize a 19-home (plus outbuildings) subdivision on their private land.” This quote is from the Wiessner article that appeared in the Sept. 1 Vail Daily.

I live across the valley (1.9 miles up East Lake Creek Road) from the visible Berlaimont property, in a small, modest, home we built ourselves, 42 years ago.

I know a long-time building contractor here in this area, and in the Vail area, whose reputation is that of doing whatever he wants that may not be permissible, assuming that he will deal with the consequences later and get away with his scofflaw actions. Too often, that is exactly what has happened. The damage and results that are not permitted, are already done. The Berlaimont situation sounds like that. They bought, assuming (knowing) they’d somehow get what they want “later” (variances, permits, etc.).

Please don’t let the Forest Service be a party to such manipulation. Just think of the constant construction trucks and activity using those paved roads during the building/construction of each of 19 homes — having been made so easy for the developers by the Forest Service, but at such a cost to the public that has to look at the devastation of the land, to the wildlife that is displaced, to the prior thoughtful, practical, laws and planning that will be disregarded, and the shameful dereliction of duty by the Forest Service whose job is not to enable developers, but to protect and thoughtfully manage our public lands.

Maria Minick


via:: Vail Daily