May is National Bike Month in Glenwood Springs

Bicycling season is in full swing, and just in time, because May is National Bike Month.

This is a chance to celebrate practical local travel by bicycle. In this time of no special events or crowd gatherings, the celebration will take on a slightly different tone, but the joy and convenience of riding remains undiminished.

In fact, the current circumstance actually lends itself to more bicycling. People generally have more time to get places and to get things done. Most of us are craving physical activity and time outdoors. The bicycle paths are wide open, and the streets have less motor traffic.

It all adds up to an excellent time to use bicycles for necessary local trips — essential shopping, errands, selective appointments. For some, even commuting to work still happens. Families can make school-at-home more fun with a bicycle outing before starting studies — sort of like riding to school.

Glenwood Springs Bicycle Advocates have arranged a handful of accents and specials to make Bike Month more interesting and appealing.

Prizes for trips

Bicycle gadgets and shopping certificates will be given to reward local riding.

During the month of May, cyclists keep a record of trips and miles ridden and send in their summary each Friday ( Some prizes will be awarded per week, and bigger prizes for the month.

Springtime bicycle tune-ups

For a safe and enjoyable ride, bicycles should be well-tuned with freshened drive-train, good and well-inflated tires, safe brakes and comfortable adjustment. For electric bicycles, battery should hold a charge and motor should be reliable.

Several local professional outfits can help with tune-ups and repairs (the state of Colorado has designated bicycle shops essential services):

• Sunlight Ski & Bike, 945-9425 — Complete in-store bicycle service, repair, and tuning. Distancing and safety protocols are in place. Limited hours, gradually increasing during May; call ahead for details.

• Road Runner Mobile Bike Service, 456-8466 (call or text), — Completely mobile service, no-contact or minimal contact. Set out your bicycle for Taz to pick up, tune and return. Even payment can be done remotely.

• Colorado Electric Bikes, 1301 Grand Ave. Suite A, 948-1292, — In-store service and sales for e-bikes. Distancing and safety protocols are in place — customers and staff wear masks, no more than four in the store at a time.


Improve riding skills with better balance, control and safety. Several handy videos are provided by League of American Bicyclists at:

Additional information and riding tips are available from Bicycle Colorado at:

Home Page

Bicycle-friendly businesses

As local businesses and services gradually reopen, accommodating bicycle-riding customers will be an important service, and a boost to business.

Stores and offices should provide convenient, safe bicycle parking. Some may offer discounts and other incentives for those who arrive by bicycle.

Share your stories

Let Glenwood Springs Bicycle Advocates know of recent experiences riding your bicycle for local trips — fun had, new sights seen, unique bicycles admired, things that would make bicycling safer or more convenient.

With writer’s permission, testimonials will be shared with other local cyclists, and suggestions for improvements will be relayed to the correct authorities.

Celebrate National Bike Month with new mobility and fun.

Enjoy your ride,

Join Glenwood Springs Bicycle Advocates in riding and promoting local bicycle use. For more information, call 618-8264, or write

via:: Post Independent