Menconi: Demand a Yes vote on the War Powers Resolution

By Arn Menconi March 2015 saw sparks fly with the onset of civil war, as Yemeni Houthis overthrew the nation’s president and noted Saudi Arabian ally, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi — a move perceived as a threat by the Saudis — who thusly turned to the Obama administration to engender assistance from stolid if controversial partner, the United States, in the form of logistical, arms, strategic, refueling and other forms of support.
This included support for the highly contentious blockade of Yemen’s ports by the Saudis, under the guise of cutting off a supply line of weapons and funding for the Houthis direct from Iran — despite Tehran’s insistence no such supply line or connections existed — during the lead-up to the historic Iran Deal.
Such nuanced involvement was made possible with increasingly open-ended legislation enacted since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, as successive American presidents claim the omnipresent threat of terror and consequent need for tougher national security in order to expand U.S. military covert and overt presence around the globe. But the War on Terror — putatively fought in defense of the innocent against maleficent forces — has instead been a multi-pronged disaster for America. Beyond the nebulous war’s estimated price tag …read more

Via:: Vail Daily Newspaper