Monday letter: Trump

Laughing last and best

Just like the biased media, Mr. Diaz chooses his “facts.” Fox News may have more viewers than any one news network, but it is the only one telling both sides of the story. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NPR are all Democratic puppets, braying like little donkeys, all their talking points.

16,000 lies? I’m astounded any intelligent person is naive enough to swallow this media invention. Trump misplaced a comma and you tally a lie. Any opinion you disagree with is a “lie.” Get real.

The Russians definitely tried to influence the ’16 election. But the Steele dossier used Russian disinformation paid for by Hillary and the DNC to smear Trump. They wanted Hillary to win. They already knew how to “access” her through the Clinton “charity.”

The media is trying to convince us that Trump is hated by most Americans. They lie. 2020 will be a landslide for Trump that even our dishonest media can’t hide.

As for the sad sack Dems, a brokered convention awaits them in Milwaukee. After the DNC robs Crazy Bernie yet again, watch for more fireworks than Chicago in ’68.

And if I need any Kleenex, Marco, it’ll be to wipe away tears of mirth from laughing last and best and long.

Bruno Kirchenwitz


via:: Post Independent