Monday letters: Census, wait to shop local, how did we get here?

The Census and COVID-19

Please fill out the census form online if you have not already done so ( Assemble your information first. You need the names and birthdates of each person in your home. You have 15 minutes to fill out the form, so do it quickly without distractions. If you don’t make the time limit on your first try, do it again.

The US Census office keeps the information confidentially. The final count determines representation in Congress and some forms of federal spending in your community.

Doing the Census online now will help to save lives in your community as it means the US Census workers will not have to go door to door and expose themselves, and maybe someone else, to the virus.

Colorado is currently 13th in the U.S. for number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, but we are 21st in population. That means we have more cases per population than the other states ahead of us in total number of COVID-19 cases. We are not winning the race to wellness.

Let’s do better. Help keep your family and friends healthy and safe from unnecessary exposure.

1. Wash your hands frequently. 2. Do not touch your face. 3. Stay home except for absolutely necessary outings. 4. Stay 6 feet apart from anyone you encounter. 5. Wipe the hard surfaces in your house and car with disinfectant and 6. Fill out the census form on line, one person per household. Each step helps to save lives and keep your whole community healthy.

Illene Pevec


Wait to shop locally

It is great that the PI has a daily listing of restaurants with delivery or pick-up, but what about all the other local “nonessential” businesses that aren’t able to stay open as they sacrifice to help us flatten the curve?

I’d like to suggest that we all “Wait to Shop Locally” for those things that we really could wait to get. Don’t just jump online to buy clothing, furniture, jewelry, sports gear, or other things that can wait for a while. You’ll be able to get them locally soon enough. Those big online stores will be OK, but our local small businesses will need our help when they do reopen.

So ask yourself: Do I really need this thing right now, or can I wait a bit to support local businesses?

And perhaps the PI could add a banner or box with “Wait to Shop Locally” with the restaurant listing to remind us to support our other local businesses, even if that is in the future.

Bruce Wampler

Glenwood Springs

Who are we and how did we get here?

We should all reflect on who we are and how we got here. Consider that we have given away or relinquished our resources… often known as “outsourcing.” In other words, we are not self sufficient … even though the world is “interdependent.”

The Chinese and others around the globe, as manufacturers of electronics, medicine, steel, controllers of rare earths and other vital resources, are also consumers of American fast food, cars and other American products … often made in China. This underscores the fact that money on its own is nothing. The Chinese can laugh all the way to their Communist banks.

It should be a wake-up call to see who we are, and to see where we are, in the wake of the Corona pandemic. Kind of ironic in the year 2020.

The Chinese have not taken anything we have not given away for money, or by negligence. Remember: China might be a slave state, but they should not be our slaves, nor we theirs.

Fred Stewart

Grand Junction

via:: Post Independent