Monday letters: Coffee with Council, Demons hockey

Post Independent Letters to the editor graphic

Coffee with Council a hit

I just wanted to thank Mayor Jonathan Godes and council member Shelley Kaup for hosting the Coffee with Council event this past week. As someone who has stood, at the lectern, before City Council’s weekly meeting to voice a concern I found this past experience much more positive and effective. The interactive discussions were much more productive than simply standing up, stating your concern and sitting down, without any feedback or enlightenment from council. The discussions also opened your eyes to other peoples differing views as well as council’s realities dealing with what sometimes appear to be simple issues.

Ed Rosenberg

Glenwood Springs

Watch Demons hockey

Don’t go to support the kids. Don’t go support the community. Go because a Demons hockey game at the Glenwood Springs Rec. Center is damn entertaining and second only to the X Games on the list of live sporting events in the valley.

Matthew Trinidad

Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent