Monday letters: energy vs. health, border fence, restaurant help, Mulhall nailed it

Commissioners supporting energy companies over our health

The American Lung Association recently released its annual State of the Air report, which outlines threats posed by unhealthy levels of ozone and particle pollution in counties and cities across the country.

Ozone is a real problem in Colorado, even on the Western Slope. For instance, Garfield County received a grade of “C” despite the fact that there aren’t many people living out here. Last year, in 2019, our grade was a “D.” Clearly, there is plenty of room for improvement.

One way to reduce ozone emissions is to tighten up air quality regulations for oil and gas development. Fossil fuel extraction is Colorado’s second leading cause of ozone emissions, which can cause asthma attacks and respiratory and cardiovascular harm, particularly in children and the elderly.

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Last December the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission passed new rules that require energy companies to tighten up their operations, with:

• semi-annual leak detection and repairs for low-producing wells, which we have plenty of on the West Slope;

• more frequent inspections for leaks and prompt repairs within 1,000 feet of homes, schools and playgrounds;

• a “find and fix” rule requires companies repair or replace leaky pneumatic devices.

Common sense and clean air made real progress last winter. So why are the Garfield County commissioners now suing to overturn the new rules, including one that makes it safer for our children and grandchildren to play outside? It just doesn’t make sense that our local elected commissioners are choosing to support energy companies over our health.

Peggy Tibbetts


Border fence could come in handy

Marco Diaz’s TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) continues to fester in his May 5 letter. He says the southern border fence “gives no measurable benefits.” 

Personally, I love it, because it thwarts Marco’s open-border dreams. And down the road when diseased hordes of third world aliens try invading our country that wall might come in handy.

As for the COVID protests, did you notice, Marco, that the vast majority occur in Dem-controlled cities and states? Funny coincidence, huh?

Bruno Kirchenwitz 


Good information for opening restaurants

Please ask your readers to copy and paste this into an Internet search: “This city is turning into a ‘giant open-air cafe’ to help restaurants and bars recover from COVID-19” to take them to an article in an Irish newspaper. Restaurateurs and appropriate government officials should reference this article. It might help save some of the local restaurants.

Gary Pax


Mulhall was spot on

Hey Mitch – thanks for the great Opinion on Friday. Spot on.

I too have found the COVID-19 stats incredibly frustrating and you hit the nail on the head. I find it amazing that “the news” can spout out how many cases have occurred, and how many deaths have occurred, but yet totally disregard the recovery rate. Thank you for calling this out.

And, if there is a COVID-19 related death, wouldn’t it be appropriate to disclose the age, possible pre-conditions, smoker, asthma, yada, yada, etc. Wouldn’t that be something? We the people would see a pattern, and from this data, tweak the lockdown, gearing it more towards the vulnerable.

I will be one of the first supporters of a free society once our “leaders” decide that people can make their own decisions again. Meaning I have no fear of visiting and supporting a restaurant, or other public ventures. But until said decision, I am trapped in a government-run debacle based on fear. Sorry if you readers don’t agree. And by the way, if I do get sick, I am pretty darn sure I would recover.

The Post Independent stated zero cops have COVID. I see the same people at City Market all the time. No one got COVID there, either. These “front liners” see a ton of people daily … and they are surviving.

Thousands are now struggling in this valley due to overbearing regulations that I am willing and wanting to disregard in the name of freedom. But alas … I think I would be physically harmed or verbally abused if I exercised my freedom. What happened to “Home of the free and land of the brave.” I am feeling free and brave. And in no way “Thanks to the government.” How about you — are you feeling free and brave?

Dave Heyliger

Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent