Monday letters: new dispensary, food safety

No to new marijuana dispensary

I am writing this letter to express my disapproval of the “retail marijuana establishment” special use permit for Kind Glenwood LLC at 2114 Grand Ave.

FACT: Glenwood Springs is a tourist destination. Tourists (nonresidents) generate a fair share of our sales tax dollars — for the local businesses and hence the city.

FACT: Glenwood Springs currently has seven marijuana dispensaries operating in the city limits. There is an eighth license granted but it has not opened yet.

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As a tourist destination city, do we really need a ninth “retail marijuana establishment”? Before P&Z and the council make a decision on this application, there are several considerations.

The location at 2114 Grand Ave. is already a busy and dangerous corner — consider drivers who are traveling north are transitioning from a 35 MPH zone to a 25 MPH zone and are more than likely still traveling at 35 MPH. Potential for higher traffic congestion in this area is distinctly possible.

Purchasing marijuana next to gas station could result in more under-the-influence driving. This is a real consideration since this location is more likely to be accessed via a vehicle versus a walker as some other dispensaries are.

The “City of Glenwood Springs, Colorado sales tax comparisons – period earned January – December 2019” information reports the sales tax category of marijuana as not much more than 1% of the city’s total revenue. Will yet another dispensary bring more sales tax?

What are the city’s plans for re-energizing our nonresident (tourist) revenue? Does it include plans for assisting our existing and tourist destination businesses? I certainly hope so, because they are our bread and butter.

Planning & Zoning will have public hearing via Zoom on this application on April 28th at 6 pm – or call US: +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 231 713 831. Participate to voice your opinion. Does a city of fewer than 10,000 citizens need a ninth marijuana dispensary? In my opinion, the answer is NO.

Suzanne M. Stewart

Glenwood Springs

City Council could help food safety

Three words: GMOs, Roundup and Glyphosate. These three components in the food production in the U.S. are making Americans sick. Growing your own food gives a family control over their health. 

One requirement of the City Council is that they open the top part of the Community Garden to be planted. It would have been quite helpful if they could have gotten behind it. 

The council chose instead they could wait till people come forward for increased garden space. Brian Smith, of Parks and Rec. who is in the know already, did come forward. 

May I suggest the city councilors go to the people. Please visit the garden and its manager and find out what’s happening. 

It’s not enough to just casually thumbs up and down on important issues. Last week a $9 million bond was passed for fiberoptic, but we did not address food safety in an unstable world with a world wide pandemic in progress.

Jennifer Vanian

Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent