Monday letters: vote Hanlon, close 7th, Trust in Tony, COVID-19 testing, judged by present-day politics

Hanlon for Senate

I am writing to endorse Karl Hanlon in the Democratic primary for State Senate District 8.

I’ve gotten to know Karl in a variety of ways. I first observed his integrity when he served as a school board member for Roaring Fork School District. We navigated elementary and middle school together as parents of classmates. My family has been deeply involved as volunteers with his family’s Smiling Goat Ranch providing equine therapy for autistic children. I consulted with Karl about the conservation of public lands in his primary bid for Colorado Congressional District 3. And I watched Karl act on his conservation values as he’s led the city of Glenwood Springs’ battle against the ill-conceived strip mine proposal that would loom on the mountainside above this scenic town and severely jeopardize its robust tourism/recreation based economy. Throughout, I’ve been impressed with Karl’s integrity, his intelligence and his values.

Karl’s personal history makes him the perfect candidate to represent the breadth and diversity of District 8. Karl was raised on a ranch in rural northern Colorado, the first of this family to go to college. Doubling down, he went on to get a law degree and has served both in private practice and representing many small western slope towns as their municipal attorney. He knows rural West Slope values and what it takes to keep our agricultural heritage thriving. And he knows what makes our West Slope towns tick and how to address the issues that both challenge our small towns and undergird their success. I think this positions Karl as the best suited to win the general election.

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Please vote Karl Hanlon for State Senate District 8. I am.

Sloan Shoemaker


Close 7th Street, hire CME vans to make restaurant deliveries

For the next few months, I think Glenwood Springs should close Seventh street down from Colorado to Cooper and allow every downtown Glenwood Springs restaurant to have an area designated for seating. We can all wear masks and have tables 6 feet apart from each other. Even those restaurants not on Seventh could be given some tables, and maybe they can get some people to run the food to the table outside.

How will the restaurants get their deliveries during the day from the big trucks? How about the city partners with CME or the pool and uses their shuttles to get the deliveries into smaller vehicles that can go down alleyways?

Is it a perfect idea? No. Does it even make sense? Maybe not, but I know that we don’t have a guide or map to follow to get us back to normal during these times so we need ideas. This is just one idea, please give us more ideas, Your idea might be the one that puts people back to work, your idea might be the one that reboots our economy your idea might be the one that just give us some hope.

Colin Wilhelm

Glenwood Springs

Trust in Tony

If Tony Hershey said someone’s lying, I bet there’s a Pinnochio in the woodpile. I’ll take Tony’s word over that of some politically correct putz anytime.

Bruno Kirchenwitz


Waiting for COVID-19 testing

Much as I have truly enjoyed the softness and slowed, mindful moments offered by the quarantine, I’m still waiting for a massive, national, COVID-19 testing program, so we can open society with confidence, while also setting up the infrastructure for the massive, national vaccination program. Just like the countries that have corralled this virus and opened up again.

John Hoffmann


We haven’t come that far

We live in a time of retro-racism, bigotry, arm-chair geniuses and historians. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, things/people aren’t judged by their character, but by present day politics. Isn’t that the way our grandparents judged things?

It goes to show that we really haven’t come that far, we have just traded one kind of bigotry for another. Those who embrace the present kind of thinking really don’t have to make any new choices, they are comfortable and self-righteous in familiar skin.

Leading this charge are the Democrats. They have horse-whipped the character of better people in our history and judge them as villains in light of present day values. George Washington had slaves. Franklin Roosevelt interned Japanese … and so on. All this without context of the time. It sort of guts history and makes it political. Without context, all of history is a joke, truth being the first victim.

So yes, Joe Biden must pick a woman. It follows in the failure of Hillary’s coronation. Where is a Geraldine Ferraro when we need her?

Reincarnated gatekeepers are rapping our cultural knuckles with that old dogmatic ruler. It is sanctioned by the Democrats led by Barack from his home in Washington, D.C.

Fred Stewart

Grand Junction

via:: Post Independent