New Castle has hit the brakes on considering golf cart use on its town streets and has abandoned the idea of allowing off-highway vehicles (OHVs) on them altogether.
The decision was made by the New Castle Town Council after several residents voiced their displeasure, particularly with the idea of OHVs utilizing alleys off of the town’s Main Street, which doubles as U.S. 6.
Neither golf carts nor OHVs may travel on state highways.
“So, they would be confined to the alleys, which are adjacent to residences, narrow and [in] some cases [have] questionable surfaces,” Mayor Art Riddile said of the secondary roadways off of the main thoroughfare. “Council listened to the concerns and decided not to go forward with OHVs.”
At a June 6 open house concerning the alternate modes of transportation, councilors and city staff heard from a majority of residents in favor of the idea. However, following that community forum many more comments were submitted, Riddile explained.
“That brought the total comments to approximately 50 percent for and 50 percent against,” Riddile said. “There were several people who attended the council meeting to voice their displeasure with the OHV idea, citing issues of noise, safety and use of the alleys off of Main Street.”
Although the town will no longer consider allowing OHVs on its streets, it may resume the golf cart discussion at a later date.
City Council, at its next regularly scheduled meeting, will decide whether or not to ask CDOT to conduct a study with the hope that the department may lower the speed limit east of downtown.
Currently, U.S. 6 through downtown New Castle has a posted 30 mph speed limit and CDOT has described the study as being a “very lengthy” process, Riddile explained.
“Council will possibly revisit the golf cart issue when we see the completed traffic study from CDOT,” should councilors request one, Riddile said.