Norton: The simple truth of success starts with you (column)

Why do we struggle with achieving success when there really is no secret to success? Is it because we have overcomplicated the thought or definition of success? Or is it because we really just don’t know what success truly means to us?

So here is the simple and uncomplicated truth of success, it’s you. Plain and simple, you are the secret to your own success.

Certainly, there are others who have helped us along the way. We may have read some awesome books with incredible insights that have illuminated the path and provided direction. Many of us have attended motivational or instructional seminars and training sessions that have inspired us and given us more to think about when it comes to success. And many of us have even hired our own personal coach or business adviser to help us achieve the successes that we seek.

People, books, seminars, training, coaches and other forms of instruction and encouragement are contributing factors to our success, however, at the end of the day the person who must execute against the strategy and the plan is you. There have been people in your life that have proven themselves to be a difference maker in helping you become who you are today. The key word in there is “helping,” but it’s you who is the real difference maker when it comes to the achievement of success and the realization of your goals and dreams.

This is awesome news. This is wonderful news. This is incredible news. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean you are the one who is ultimately in control of your own destiny. For some of you this is empowering and inspiring. For others, it could be terrifying. For some of you this could be powerfully liberating and just the push you needed. For others, Dr. Denis Waitley’s philosophy of, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me,” can quickly go from feeling motivation to rationalizing excuses. And if that excuse alarm starts to sound, just remember Dr. Waitley’s quote, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me,” and stop those excuses as quickly as possible.

You know what the excuses sound like don’t you? “I am too busy.” “I don’t have time for this.” “This is too hard.” “I am only doing this for someone else.” “I just have to wait until I finish this other project.” “I will start after the next holiday.” “I don’t have the skills.” “I can’t do this by myself.” And so many others.

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The list of excuses is long, but the belief in yourself could be endless. The simple truth of success and to success is you.

I am a huge advocate of personal and professional development programs, I am a firm believer in the power of friends and advisers who provide insights and encouragement. I completely and absolutely support the idea of having coaches and mentors. I am a voracious reader and someone who constantly listens to audio programs as I pursue my own continuous improvement. But even with all of these awesome people and tools available to me, ultimately it is up to me to make the decision to apply what I have heard or read. I am the one who has to execute in order to succeed.

So how about you? Do you see yourself as your own secret to success? Or do you need a little reminder that you are the one in control of your own success? As always I would love to hear your story of success at and when we can stop making excuses and start owning our own success, it really will be a better than good week.

Michael Norton is the president of the Zig Ziglar Corporate Training Solutions Team, a strategic consultant, business and personal coach and motivational speaker. He writes a weekly motivational column for the Vail Daily.

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