Plan extra time to drive through Glenwood Canyon

Cars sit and wait while being diverted down to one lane near the Grizzly Creek rest area in Glenwood Canyon.
Chelsea Self / Post Independent

Starting Friday, all Interstate 70 traffic through Glenwood Canyon will be head-to-head on what are typically the eastbound lanes as the Colorado Department of Transportation ramps up construction.

Westbound traffic will be diverted to the lower deck at near the Hanging Lake Tunnel, and use a single lane of the eastbound track to No Name rest area.

The detour is expected to cause significant delays for the duration of the project, which could last 8 months.

“Delay times will vary depending on travel volumes in the canyon. Plan for an additional 30 minutes to your travel time, especially during morning and evening peak hours,” said Elise Thatcher, regional communications manager for CDOT.

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CDOT will have digital work zone sign boards estimating the length of delays.

“It’s important for CDOT to provide the best information possible for motorists,” said Michael Goolsby, regional transportation director for northwest Colorado.

“This is an innovative approach to providing up-to-the-minute conditions for drivers in a location where cell service and other communications are limited.”

The main purpose of the closures is to resurface the pavement with polyester concrete overlay, which CDOT believes will be more durable in harsh conditions, like ice and snow, and even the occasional rockfall.

To sign up for updates on lane closures, or ask questions, call or text 970-618-5379, or email

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via:: Post Independent