Planning and zoning continues Triumph-Bell Rippy apartment proposal, denies retail marijuana shop

The Blake gate located between Wal-Mart and the 27th Street Park and Ride. The Triumph Bell-Rippy property that is being proposed is shown in the background.
Chelsea Self / Post independent |

A 100-unit apartment development proposal was continued and a retail marijuana special use permit request was denied by the Glenwood Springs Planning and Zoning Commission on May 26.

Triumph-Bell Rippy

Applicant Triumph Development West, LLC seeks to build 38 one-bedroom units and 62 two-bedroom units in six separate apartment buildings adjacent to Palmer Avenue between 26th Street and Blake Avenue.

The planning and zoning commission provides a recommendation to Glenwood Springs City Council for applications which include 25 or more new dwelling units.

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The commission held off on making a recommendation about Triumph Development West’s application until a meeting between the city, nearby residents and the applicant was held to further discuss traffic impacts.

“I don’t want you guys to go out there and say ‘I hate this, I don’t want this, this is too big.’ That’s not what we’re doing,” said Marco Dehm, Planning and Zoning Commission chairman concerning the forthcoming meeting. “We’re looking for additional information on traffic, circulation and mitigation. I want to make sure that the discussion stays on those topics.”

According to Triumph Development West’s updated traffic impact analysis, the development would add 489 vehicle trips on an average weekday.

The updated analysis also said the development would generate 30 vehicle trips during morning rush hours and 38 vehicle trips during evening rush hours.

“That seems a little incredulous,” Commissioner Sumner Schachter said. “I have yet to see, over the years, any traffic study…that hasn’t underestimated the impacts in this pretty unique valley.”

Several residents have disputed the traffic impact analysis and commissioners also expressed concerns over the area’s already inadequate infrastructure.

The city has not released an official date for the neighborhood meeting concerning traffic and circulation near Blake and Palmer Avenue.

Kind Glenwood LLC

The planning and zoning commission also provides a recommendation to city council concerning marijuana special use permits and unanimously denied Kind Glenwood LLC’s request for one at its May 26 meeting.

The applicant has proposed remodeling the interior of an existing 738-square-foot unit at 2114 Grand Ave., currently occupied by Framing Expressions, to accommodate the sale of retail marijuana.

“As a young citizen of the community, I am opposed to this establishment receiving a permit for business,” Michelle Keplinger stated in her written public comments. “I feel that this small town has more than enough options for purchasing marijuana products as it is.”

Commissioners took issue with parking availability and the facility’s considerable distance from Glenwood’s downtown core area, among other things.

“My hangup with this is, we have two residential units in the back and, correct me if I’m wrong, all the other dispensaries in town are either in commercial buildings or freestanding,” Dehm said. “That’s why I don’t think this is a correct location.”

via:: Post Independent